Friday, December 8, 2017


The library
he library is a source of information. You will find out about many subjects in the library. You will find books and other resources to help you complete school assignments. The library is a place or room or building which is used to preserve information, lending out books and other materials, reading as well as refreshment.
When your first visit the library, introduce yourself to the librarian. The librarian can teach you how to use the library and show you where to find information you need.

A library uses a catalog to keep track of the entire book and other materials that it owns. Some catalogs are on paper cards. They are kept in boxes or drawers. Other catalogs are on computers. A computer catalog is very easy to use. A catalog list books by subject, title and author. If you are writing report on bears, look in the catalog under the word bear. It will list all the books in the library about bears.

You also can find information in many subjects in an encyclopedia. You are using encyclopedia about some subject. You can use the index like a library catalog. Look up a topic in the index. It will tell you which page you read. There are large encyclopedias that have information about all subjects. If you want information on topics other than science, look in general encyclopedia.

These multifarious activities at KIUMA inevitably precipitated the need for a library to cater for the information needs of the KIUMA community (staff and students). The director of the centre, conscious of this information vacuum, employed a seasoned professional Librarian in June 2005. The Director consequently maintained a steady acquisition of books for the library on various disciplines, which have served as a nucleus to the envisaged larger library. A year has elapsed since the librarian commenced work in the KIUMA library, virtually starting from scratch. This period has witnessed the organization of the books collection as behaves a library. Readers are now benefiting from the resources therein. Now, KIUMA libraries employ two library staff one is librarian and library staff.

Aims of the KIUMA library
The principle aims of KIUMA library is to satisfy the educational, spiritual and recreational needs of teachers, students and other staff as well as stakeholders at the KIUMA institution. It will accomplish this task by providing appropriate learning materials and other information relevant to the course of syllabi and other activities at the institution in the form of books, journals, audio- visuals and computer services.
The KIUMA library is the centre of learning and knowledge creation to students, teachers and other stakeholders who use the library for learning, lending, recreational as well as packaging and repackaging information sources and services.
KIUMA library aimed at preserving information resources to carter user’s needs, these information resources are like books, journals, periodical articles and alike. The library is the centre of knowledge creation to its users. There are two libraries at KIUMA institution these are KIUMA main library comprises information resources of vocational education training authority(VETA), Teachers training college(TTC), bible learners, and secondary school learning materials. And also there is nursing library which consist of the information resources for nursing courses as well as clinical officers courses.
In addition, there are about 10,000 collections in both libraries (Main and Nursing) including books and journals. There is enough of furniture which support users need in general.

Functions of KIUMA library
Below are the functions foreseen to this information center, these includes;
Ø  Selection of learning materials
The library in coordination with teachers/tutors from the each course discipline at KIUMA institution will suggest relevant books or journals and through librarian forward them to relevant authority for purchasing.
The librarian will liaise with other libraries and institutions to solicit for books/journals donations to KIUMA where possible.
Ø  Organizing Learning Materials
On receipt of books/journals through purchase or donation the librarian will;
·       Print the properly stamp on the fly-leaf of the books and journals
·       Record the particulars of each book in the accession register, writing the accession number of each book.
·       Past within the book the necessary loan stationary i.e. date due label, book pocket, ‘ reference only’ and a spine label on the book spine
·       Classify and catalogue the items
·       Places new copies on display before shelving them
·       Shelve books and new journals
·       Place guides to show the location of each book on the shelve
Ø  Materials lending systems
·       The librarian will initiate a book/journal lending system. In some library issuing out books is done by using counter book where you register date/ name of borrower and the date of return.
·       This system is feasible in small school library which is not likely to grow rapidly in both relationship and book stock.
·       For the KIUMA institution it is recommended that the card system(Browse) of lending books be adapted early so as to avoid heavy workload which will evolve from the inevitable change from the counter book in use now, to the browse system(which is universal)
-The Browse system is the most ideal as it is anticipated that the library will grow rapidly commensurate with the expansion of the institution’s activities.
Hence, the need for stationary listed below;-
·       Book pocked and book card
·       Borrower’s card
·       Date due label
·       Readers membership card
·       Spine label.

Ø  Library statistics
·       The librarian will keep statistics of daily book issues. This will be done by subject to show which subject area is consulted most and which is not used at all. This serve as indicator in the stock weeding process
·       Keep statistics of daily users
This is a record of staff and students who visit the library daily (each day).

Equipment (Furniture)
The main library has 10 shelves which were used for shelving books. However, these shelves were not purpose built. They were originally used for storing pharmaceutical items at the KIUMA hospital. The library has seen the construction of a medium size shelf for holding reference materials and small card catalog cabinet. There are 4 tables, 4 benches and 4 chairs used by the librarian and students who intermittently come to the library for reading and/or leisure. And there are 4 tables for supporting duplicated and/or weeded boxed books for storing library facilities as well. The library hasn’t printer and computer for processing and storing bibliographic entries of cards catalog, library lack processing materials such as manila sheet for card catalog, maintaining book cards and alike.

At KIUMA nursing library there are one table for librarian and other three long tables for library users, and there are 20 chairs for both library staff and library users. Also nursing library has 6 shelves for placing library books, serials and journal articles. In nursing library there are a lot of library resources which carter user’s need and have a large collection, full electricity supply as well as water for cleaning the library surrounding and flowers irrigation. But there are many challenges as you know every institution must face certain challenges and librarian with library staff support for top department we combat these challenges for the sake of fulfilling users’ needs.

Main Library stock
Ø  Library books
The main library has a total of 7,657 books on the shelves. The books represent the following disciplines: Accountancy, Agriculture, Algebra, Animal husbandry, Architecture, Biology, Botany, Business management, Carpentry, Chemistry, Economics, Health sciences, History, Library sciences, Mechanical and Electrical engineering, English language, civics, Psychology, Religion, Sociology and Computer science.

The main library also has 2 complete sets each of Encyclopedia Britannica and the World Book. There is also a variety of English and Swahili Dictionaries.  These have all been processed and are on the shelves ready for reader consultation. This wealth of literary information housed in the library, is a precious and dynamic reservoir for motivating development and socio-economic change in southern Tanzania.

Ø  Text books
The books are on the subjects taught at KIUMA Secondary school, Vocational Education Training Centre, Teachers Training College, and Bible learners. They are essentially meant for teachers and students. They are kept separately from the library books mentioned above. They books borrowed by the teachers and students who may in turn make them available to the users concerned. The books stock has grown mainly through purchases and donations by the Director of the institution. We anticipate more donation from WHO (Dar Es salaam) and Tanzania Library Services Board (TLSB), who have agreed to include KIUMA in their mailing lists in their donations programmes.

Ø  Periodicals
The library has no magazine arrived daily but has a journal articles in the shelves.

Main Library services
Ø  Opening days/hours
For the whole of the last years the library opened immediately after the morning devotions i.e 8:30am to 1:00pm; and 2:00pm to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. But now the library opens at 7:30am to 10:00am and 11:00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.

Ø  Readers visiting the library
Both staff and students visit the library daily. And there are too many numbers of books available in the library for users, but some books borrowed daily are for Advanced level students and VTC students. The challenge hinder the library is unusable some of the books due to oldness, most of the books available are mathematics, accounting, agriculture and business management so these books are unusable to students, other books are usable to users but timetable constraint hinder them to visit library at time.

Ø  Loans for home reading
Books loans were given to both students and staff members as well. A maximum of one book at a time for a period of two weeks (14 days) but to teachers and hospital staff members are able to take two books whenever possible for teaching and those pursuing the continuing education classes.

Ø  Library Information update
The library introduced a library Notice board for posting any pertinent information to readers. It has become attraction to students and staff alike. For instance library rules and regulations, lending procedures as well as how to find or locate books on a shelves and alike.

 Activities conducted in the library
Ø  Classification and cataloguing
Classification is the systematic process of classifying and arranging library books and serial publications according to the order so that the users can retrieve and/ or search and locate the books or serials easily without wasting time to users. In the library the books must be arranged correctly without interrupting entire arrangement, the library collection the books and serials are arranged by using numerical notation with its first three letters of author’s surname for easily finding and/or locating books in the shelves. Whereas, cataloguing is the systematic process of making catalogue of books and serials for arranging a collection according to subject, author and title of the book concerned. Library collection must be arranged by numerical notation (classification) followed by three letters of author’s names (cataloguing) as well.
Books are classified using the Dewey decimal classification (DDC) scheme, which is a        hierarchical in nature.

Ø  Lending services
This is the act of staff and students to take fiction (story books) and non- fiction (subject books) books away from the library in other word borrow them for a set time to read or study on their own. Library lending system is guided by librarian and library staff, the users enter in the library to borrow some books other come to either read of leisure or refreshment only this because library is a room or building which have a collection of books and other materials for study or refreshment or read and alike.

Ø  Reference services
In the library there must have reference services section for the sake of referencing books and other library materials. The reference books are like encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas books, world books, and soon. These books are for reference only not for lending out of the library, the users borrow there reference books to read in the library only and do not allowed taking out of the library without librarian’s permission.

Ø  Accessioning
Every volume added to the library receives a serial number in the order of acquisition to the library collection. This includes books purchased or received in exchange or gift. This is number is called accession number. Accumulated volumes of periodicals, which are to be bounded and preserved in the library, are also accessioned. 

Ø  Stamping
This is the act of stamping books and other library materials for the sake of reducing theft and losing of these library collections. Every book and other serial publications received by the librarian must be stamped and the stamp must be unique from other department.

Ø  Book pocketing and maintaining books cards
This is the process and method of maintaining book cards and every book must have its own card for the sake of uniqueness from other book and preventing book lost as well as book theft at large. This act is conducted by technical service division in the library but in the KIUMA library is conducted by the librarian at the technical table.

Ø  Packaging and Repackaging of information sources and services
Information can be packaged original written and if the information is copied and/or paraphrased is called repackaging. These services are obtained in the library as well. Just welcome to enjoy it.

By Adimu Nihuka Jr – (Librarian and information analyst at KIUMA Library)
@December 8, 2017

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